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Journal Articles (*Denotes Peer Review)

*Storey, J. E., Hart, S., & Perka, M. R. (in press). Strategies for managing elder abuse and their efficacy. Journal of Applied Gerontology.


*Storey, J. E. & Hart, S. D. (in press). The Assessment and Management of Stalking Perpetrated by Clients Against Their Counselors. Violence and Victims.


*Almond, M. F. E., Cook, A. N., & Storey, J. E. (2020). The consideration of indigenous peoples in high stakes evaluations of risk. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health.


*Fraga Dominguez, S., Valiquette, J., Storey, J. E., & Glorney, E. (2020). Elder abuse detection and intervention: Challenges for professionals and strategies for engagement from a Canadian specialist service. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 16(4), 199-206.


*Storey, J. E. (2020). Risk factors for elder abuse and neglect: A review of the literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior. DOI:10.1016/j.avb.2019.101339


*Rogers, M., & Storey, J. E. (2019). Elder homicide: A systematic literature review. Aggression and Violent Behavior. DOI:10.1016/j.avb.2019.08.008


*Fraga Dominguez, S., Storey, J. E., & Glorney, E. (2019). Help-seeking behavior in victims of elder abuse: A systematic review. Trauma Violence and Abuse. DOI:10.1177/1524838019860616


*Strand, S., & Storey, J. E. (2019). Intimate partner violence in urban, rural and remote areas: An investigation of offense severity and risk factors. Violence Against Women. DOI: 10.1177/1077801218766611


*Storey, J. E., & Perka, M. R. (2018). Reaching out for help: A Canadian elder abuse prevention program. British Journal of Social Work (Special Issue) 48, 1052-1070. DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcy039


*Watt, K. A., Storey, J. E., & Hart, S. D. (2018). Violence risk identification, assessment and management practices in inpatient psychiatry. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 5(3), 155-172. DOI: 10.1037/tam0000099


*Strand, S., Fröberg, S., & Storey, J. E. (2018). Protecting victims of intimate partner violence: Swedish prosecutors' experiences of decision-making regarding restraining orders. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 19(2), 170-186. DOI: 10.1080/14043858.2018.1450547


*Storey, J. E., & Prashad, A. A. (2018). Recognizing, reporting and responding to abuse, neglect and self-neglect of vulnerable adults: An evaluation of the ReAct adult protection worker basic curriculum. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 30(1), 42-63. DOI: 10.1080/08946566.2017.1371092


*Storey, J. E., Hart, S. D., & Lim, Y. L. (2017). Serial Stalking of mental health professionals: Case presentation, analysis and formulation using the Guidelines for Stalking Assessment and Management (SAM). Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 4(3), 122-143. DOI: 10.1037/tam0000087


*Storey, J. E., & Strand, S. (2017). The influence of victim vulnerability and gender on the assessment of intimate partner violence risk. The Journal of Family Violence, 32, 125-134. DOI: 10.1007/s10896-016-9905-0


*Storey, J. E. (2016). Hurting the healers: Stalking and stalking-related behavior perpetrated against counselors. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 47(4), 261-270. DOI: org/10.1037/pro0000084


*Storey, J. E., Hart, S. D., Cooke, D. J., & Michie, C. (2016). The reliability and validity of the PCL-R in a representative sample of incarcerated male correctional offenders in Canada. Law and Human Behavior, 40(2), 136-146. DOI: 10.1037/lhb0000174


Strand, S., Petersson, J., Fröberg, S., & Storey, J. E. (2016). Polisens arbete med riskbedömning och riskhantering av partnervåldsrelaterad brottslighe (Risk assessment and risk management among police officers handling intimate partner violence).  Final project report for Brottsoffermyndigheten (The Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority).


*Storey, J. E., Watt, K. A., & Hart, S. D. (2015). An examination of violence risk communication in practice using a structured professional judgment framework. Behavioral Sciences and the Law (Special Issue), 33, 39-55. DOI: 10.1002/bsl.2156


*Storey, J. E. (2014). Commentary on DeClue and Zavodny (2014). Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 1, 185-187.


*Storey, J. E. (2014). Comment on Carr, Goranson, and Drummond (2014). Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 1, 23-24. DOI: 10.1037/tam0000009


*Storey, J. E., & Hart, S. D. (2014). An examination of the danger assessment as a victim-based risk assessment instrument for lethal intimate partner violence. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 1, 56-66. DOI: 10.1037/tam0000002


Storey, J.E. (2014, April). Hurting the healers: Stalking in the mental health professions. Insights: The Clinical Counsellors’ Magazine & News, 31, 24-25.


*Storey, J. E., Kropp, P. R., Hart, S. D., Belfrage, H., & Strand, S. (2014). Assessment and management of risk for intimate partner violence by police officers using the Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk (B-SAFER). Criminal Justice and Behavior, 41, 256-271. DOI: 10.1177/0093854813503960


*Storey, J. E., Campbell, V. J., & Hart, S. D. (2013). Expert evidence about violence risk assessment: A study of Canadian legal decisions. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 12, 287-296. DOI: 10.1080/14999013.2013.867383


*Storey, J. E., & Strand, S. (2013). Assessing violence risk among female IPV perpetrators: An examination of the B-SAFER. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 22, 964-980. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2013.835015


*Storey, J. E., & Strand, S. (2012). The characteristics and violence risk management of women arrested by the police for intimate partner violence. European Journal of Criminology, 9(6), 636-651. DOI: 10.1177/1477370812453403


*Storey, J. E., Watt, K. A., Jackson, K. J., & Hart, S. D. (2012). Utilization and implications of the Static 99 in practice. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 24, 289-302. DOI: 10.1177/1079063211423943


*Belfrage, H., Strand, S., Storey, J. E., Gibas, L. A., Kropp, P. R., & Hart, S. D., (2012). Assessment and management of risk for intimate partner violence by police officers using the Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide (SARA). Law and Human Behaviour, 36, 60-67. DOI: 10.1007/s10979-011-9278-0


*Slaney, K. L., Storey, J. E., & Barnes, J. (2011). “Is my test valid?” Guidelines for the practicing psychologist for evaluating the psychometric properties of measures. The International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 10, 261-283. DOI: 10.1080/14999013.2011.627086


*Slaney, K. L., Storey, J. E., & Barnes, J. (2011). When ‘good enough’ is just not good enough: response to Holden and Marjanovic. The International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 10, 290-294. DOI: 10.1080/14999013.2011.629716


*Storey, J. E., Gibas, A. L., Reeves, K. A., & Hart, S. D. (2011). Evaluation of a violence risk (threat) assessment training program for police and other criminal justice professionals. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 38, 554-564. DOI: 10.1177/0093854811403123


*Kropp, P. R., Hart, S. D., Lyon, D. R., & Storey, J. E. (2011). The development and validation of the guidelines for stalking assessment and management. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 29, 302–316. DOI: 10.1002/bsl.978


*Storey, J. E., & Hart, S. D. (2011). How do police respond to stalking? An examination of the risk management strategies and tactics used in a specialized anti-stalking law enforcement unit. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 26(2), 128-142. DOI 10.1007/s11896-010-9081-8.


*Storey, J. E., Hart, S. D., Meloy, J. R., & Reavis, J. A. (2009). Psychopathy and stalking. Law and Human Behaviour, 33, 237-246. DOI: 10.1007/s10979-008-9149-5


Storey, J. E., & Williscroft, B. (2009, September). Stalking and clinical counsellors: An introduction. Insights: The Clinical Counsellors’ Magazine & News, 8-10.

Keynote Speeches

Storey, J. E. (May, 2018). Violence Risk Assessment for Elder Abuse. Older people and DVA: Experiences and moving forward. University of Salford and Manchester Women’s Aid, Manchester, UK.


Storey, J. E. (October, 2014). The Elder Abuse Risk Level Index (EARLI): A tool for assessing and managing risk for elder abuse. Central East Regional Elder Abuse Conference held by Elder Abuse Ontario, Markham, Ontario.

Invited Talks

Perka, M. R., & Storey J. E. (October, 2019). Reaching out for help: A Canadian elder abuse prevention program. Parkland and Area Response to Family Violence Committee, Edmonton, Canada.


Storey, J. E. (November, 2017). Older Adults Domestic Violence. Wandsworth Safeguarding Adults Board: Adult Safeguarding - Working in Partnership, Wandsworth, UK.


Storey, J. E. (June, 2017). Collaborative research across disciplines with an international twist. Annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Split, Croatia.


Storey, J. E. (September, 2015). Assessing the risk of elder abuse: Do you have the tools? Webinar hosted by Elder Abuse Ontario for practicing professionals dealing with older adults.


Storey, J. E. (February, 2015). Elder abuse research in Canada. Oral presentation at Mid Sweden University Research Day, Sundsvall, Sweden.


Storey, J. E. (September, 2013). Elder abuse: A whole new world. Oral presentation at the Simon Fraser University forensic area seminar, Burnaby Canada.


Storey, J. E. (March, 2012). Hurting the healers: Stalking in the mental health professions. Oral presentation at the Simon Fraser University forensic area seminar, Burnaby Canada.

Conference Presentations

Fraga Dominguez, S, Storey, J. E., Glorney, E. (2019, June). Elder abuse, mental health, and substance abuse: Data from a one-year UK study. Paper presented at International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Conference, Montreal, Canada.


Fraga Dominguez, S., Storey, J. E., & Glorney, E. (2019, June). Help-seeking behaviour in victims of elder abuse: a systematic review. Paper presented at International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Conference, Montreal, Canada.


Dvorakora, E., Storey, J. E., & Cook, A. N. (June, 2018). Expert evidence about violence risk assessment in dangerous offender and long-term offender hearings. Poster presented by ED at the annual meeting of the Division of Forensic Psychology, Newcastle, UK.


Coupland, S., Storey, J. E., & Hart, S. D. (March, 2018). Understanding risk for recidivism in stalking offenders. Oral presentation by SC at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Memphis, Tennessee.


Edge, M. E., Cook, A. N., Storey, J. E., & Dvorakora, E. (March, 2018). Legal relevance of indigenous culture in high-stakes evaluations of risk.  Oral presentation by MFE at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Memphis, Tennessee.


Strand, S., Petersson, J., & Storey, J. E. (October, 2017). Policing intimate partner violence in rural areas in Sweden. Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science “Safer Communities, Safer Relationships” Conference, Prato, Italy.


Storey, J. E., Strand, S., & Shepard, S. (June, 2017). Examination of the use of the B-SAFER across different ethnic groups. Annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Split, Croatia.


Strand, S., & Storey, J. E. (February, 2017). The process of implementing risk assessment and risk management methods for the police in urban, rural and remote settings. Association of Pacific and Australia Threat Assessment Professionals (APATAP), Singapore.


Petersson, J., Strand, S., Storey, J. E., Selenius, H., & Fröberg, S. (October, 2016). Implementing effective police risk assessment and management for family violence. Oral presentation by JP at the third International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Storey, J. E., Selenius, H., & Strand, S. (July, 2016). Age and violence risk assessment for intimate partner violence: Is age really just a number? Oral presentation by JES at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, New York, USA.


Ryan, T., Kropp, P. R., Coupland, S., Gatner, D., Blanchard, A., Whittemore, K., Storey, J. E., Murray, A., & Hart, S. D. (July, 2016). The Spousal Assault Risk Assessment – Version 3 (SARA-V3): Preliminary reliability and validity. Oral presentation by TR at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, New York, USA.


Selenius, H., Strand, S., & Storey, J. E. (June, 2016). Psychopathy and motives for violent offences: Offenders admitted to forensic psychiatric care. Oral presentation by HS at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden.


Strand, S., & Storey, J. E. (May and June, 2016). Protecting victims of intimate partner violence in rural areas. Oral presentation by SS at the Structured and Unstructured Risk Assessments for Violence conference held in Sundsvall and Östersund, Sweden.


Storey, J. E., & Strand, S. (May and June, 2016). Policing Honour Based Violence. Oral presentation by JES a the Structured and Unstructured Risk Assessments for Violence conference held in Sundsvall and Östersund, Sweden.


Storey, J. E. (October, 2015). The Elder Abuse Risk Level Index (EARLI): Examination and application of a violence risk assessment tool to a case of elder abuse. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Calgary, Canada.


Prashad, A. A. & Storey, J. E. (October, 2015). Do they know what we think they know? An evaluation of knowledge transfer amongst health care staff trained to conduct adult protection investigations. Oral presentation by AAP at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Calgary, Canada.


Coupland, S., Storey, J. E., & Hart, S. D. (October, 2015). Stalking and violence: A 10-year follow-up of stalking offenders. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Threat Assessment Professionals, Lake Louise, Alberta.


Storey, J. E. (August, 2015). How violence risk assessment can assist in case management: An elder abuse case study illustration. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium, Pattaya, Thailand.


Storey, J. E., & Prashad, A. A. (June, 2015). Recognizing, reporting and responding to elder abuse: An evaluation of the ReAct Program. Oral presentation by JES at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Manchester, United Kingdom.


Storey, J. E., Strand, S., Pertersson, J., & Belfrage, H. (June, 2015). The Influence of Victim Vulnerability and Gender on the Assessment of IPV Risk. Oral presentation by JES at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Manchester, United Kingdom.


Coupland, S., Gray, A. L., Storey, J. E., & Hart, S. D. (March, 2015). The incremental validity of predicting violence with the PCL-R. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American-Psychology and Law Society, San Diego, California.


Ryan, T. J., Gray, A., Storey, J. E., & Hart, S. D. (March, 2015). Cross-validation of the VRAG: A 10-year prospective study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, San Diego, California.


Storey, J. E. (June, 2013). Hurting the healers: Stalking in the mental health professions. Oral presentation by JES at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Maastricht, the Netherlands.


Storey, J. E., Hart, S. D., & Kropp, P. R. (June, 2013). Intimate partner violence (IPV) risk assessment: A comparison of five assessment tools. In Intimate partner violence risk assessment: An evaluation of multiple methods. Oral presentation by JES at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Maastricht, the Netherlands.


Watt, K. A., Storey, J. E. & Hart, S. D. (June, 2013). Differentiating between non-lethal and lethal intimate partner violence. Oral presentation by SDH at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Maastricht, the Netherlands.


Storey, J. E., & Hart, S. D. (March, 2013). Advances in Risk Assessment: Elder Abuse. In Advances in risk assessment. Oral presentation by JES at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.


Storey, J. E., Watt, K. A., & Hart, S. D. (March, 2013). Communicating opinions about violence risk in practice. Oral presentation by JES at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.


Storey, J. E., Cook, A. N., & Grigoletto, A. (September, 2012). Elder abuse risk assessment and management: A case study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Threat Assessment Professionals, Banff, AB.


Cook, A. N., Storey, J. E., Miller, E., McCartney, G., Ennis, L., Kropp, P. R., & Hart, S. D. (September, 2012). Communication about perpetrator risk across police jurisdictions: A case of effective communication by Canadian threat assessment professionals. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Threat Assessment Professionals, Banff, AB.


Storey, J. E., & Strand, S. (March, 2012). Risk assessment for violence among female perpetrators of IPV: An examination of the B-SAFER. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American-Psychology and Law Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Storey, J. E., & Strand, S. (March, 2012). The characteristics and management of women arrested for intimate partner violence. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American-Psychology and Law Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Cook, A. N., Storey, J. E., Murray, A. A., Kropp, P. R., & Hart, S. D. (March, 2012). Serial stalking in a forensic outpatient sample. Oral presentation by ANC at the annual meeting of the American-Psychology and Law Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Murray, A. A., Wittemore, K. E., Storey, J. E., Cook, A. N., Hart, S. D., Kropp, P. R. (March, 2012). Identifying differences in violence risk ratings between stalkers and intimate partner batterers to improve risk management strategies. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American-Psychology and Law Society annual meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Storey, J. E. (February, 2012). The Elder Abuse Risk Assessment guide. Oral presentation at the Vancouver Police Department 2012 Domestic Violence Conference: Dying to BE Canadian.


Cook, A. N., Storey, J. E., & Hart, S. D. (November, 2011). A review of current critical issues in the assessment and diagnosis of psychopathy. Poster presented at the 2nd Bergen Conference on the Treatment of Psychopathy, Bergen, Norway.


Murray, A. A., Storey, J. E., Hart, S. D., Gray, A., & Mills, J. (November, 2011) Understanding the treatment needs of psychopaths using the risk-need-responsivity model. Poster presented at the 2nd Bergen Conference on the Treatment of Psychopathy, Bergen, Norway.


Storey, J. E. (October, 2011). The Elder Abuse Risk Assessment guide – A structured professional judgement tool & case study. Oral presentation by JES at the Alberta Elder Abuse conference.


Storey, J. E., & Grigoletto, A. (September, 2011). The Elder Abuse Risk Assessment Guide. Oral presentation by JES at the conference of the Canadian Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (CATAP), Banff, AB.


Storey, J. E., Campbell, V. J., & Hart, S. D. (September, 2011). Violence risk assessment reports: What do courts want in Canada? Poster presented at the conference of the Canadian Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (CATAP), Banff, AB.


Cook, A. N., Murray, A. A., Storey, J., Kropp, R., & Hart, S. D. (September, 2011). Characteristics of serial stalkers. Poster presented at the conference of the Canadian Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (CATAP), Banff, AB.


Kropp, R. P., Storey, J. E., Murray, A., & Hart, S. D. (July, 2011). Reliability and validity of the brief spousal assault form for the evaluation of risk (B-SAFER). Oral presentation given by PRK at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Barcelona, Spain.


Storey, J. E., & Hart, S. D. (March, 2011). An examination of the Danger Assessment as a victim based risk assessment instrument. Oral presentation by SDH at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Miami, FL.


Hart, S. D., Storey, J. E., Mills, J. F., Gray, A. L., (March, 2011). PCL-R scores in a representative sample of Canadian offenders. Oral presentation given by SDH at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Miami, FL.


Storey, J. E., Watt, K. A., Jackson, K. J., & Hart, S. D. (May, 2010). Utilization and implications of the Static 99 in practice. Oral presentation given by JES at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Vancouver, Canada.


Storey, J. E. (March, 2010). Threat assessment reports: What do courts want? Oral presentation to the Integrated Threat and Risk Assessment Centre (ITRAC) Edmonton, Alberta.


Storey, J. E., & Hart, S. D. (March, 2010). Specific versus general risk assessment instruments in stalking cases: Comparing the SAM and the VRAG. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Vancouver, Canada.


Storey, J. E., & Williscroft, B. (November, 2009). Stalking of mental health professionals. Oral presentation by JES and BW at the annual meeting of the Washington Counseling Association, Spokane, WA.


Storey, J. E., Jackson, K. J., & Hart, S. D. (June, 2009). The assessment of sexual violence: Comparing the predictive validity of actuarial and structured professional judgment instruments. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Edinburgh, Scotland.


Storey, J. E., Gibas, A., Reeves, K., & Hart, S. D. (March 2009). Now that it has been built can people be trained? The evaluation of a training program on violence risk assessment. Oral presentation given by JES at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, San Antonio, TX.


Storey, J. E., & Williscroft, B. (March, 2009). Stalking of mental health professionals. Oral presentation given by JES at the annual general meeting British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors, Vancouver, BC.


Storey, J. E., & Hart, S. D. (July, 2008). Police responses to complaints of criminal harassment: Nature and effectiveness of case management strategies. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Vienna, Austria.


Storey, J. E., Hart, S. D. Meloy, J. R., & Reavis, J. A. (March, 2008). Psychopathy and stalking: What’s love got to do with it? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Jacksonville, FL.


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